miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2017

Global Ed Seal of Biliteracy 2017 (by Deirdre Garcia)

What is the Seal of Biliteracy, how do you earn it?

What this video by Deirdre Garcia.

More interesting videos:
Californians Together Presents: The Seal of Biliteracy -- Celebrating Students of the 21st Century.

Seal of Biliteracy Hoover Elementary with Spanish Subtitles.

miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

Report: Want the Job? Be Able to Say So in More than One Language

Read the article by Carmen Cusido on NBC News Report: Want the Job? Be Able to Say So in More than One Language      

Some excerpts from the article:

«Those looking for a job may want to emphasize their language skills. In the last five years,the demand for employees in the United States who know more than one language has more than doubled, according to a report recently released by the New American Economy.

"In today's global economy, businesses require employees who can serve customers in a variety of languages," John Feinblatt, chairman of New American Economy, said in a prepared statement. "This research highlights the growing need to attract and promote a multilingual workforce among both foreign- and U.S.-born talent."
Marco López, the executive vice president for client services at elemento L2, a Chicago-based multicultural marketing agency, said of the company's 15 employees, only two or three are not bilingual and two are not bicultural.

"Not being bilingual is not a deal breaker for us, but it is an extra added value that you (bring) to the table," López told NBC News.»

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017

Enlace a la entrada del blog de Marcos Villa acerca de famosos hablando español.

Enlace a la entrada del blog de Marcos Villa acerca de famosos hablando español (link).

Foto del blog de Marcos Villa (¡la foto no es un enlace a los vídeo!).

AIL Málaga: 10 razones para aprender español

En este artículo, AIL Málaga nos da 10 razones para aprender español.

"The multilingual brain might actually be better at doing business than the monolingual brain”

“The multilingual brain might actually be better at doing business than the monolingual brain,” says Antonella Sorace, professor of developmental linguistics at the University of Edinburgh.
Multinational companies have long recognised the functional benefits of multilingualism as a bridge between business cultures. Not speaking other languages may even be a block to promotion these days, according to early findings from the British Academy’s Born Global research into language policy in the UK.

“Maybe we are starting to see the first effects of people trying to avoid the risk factors. Bilingualism doesn’t make you immortal, it doesn’t cure dementia but it delays it. In stroke patients twice as many people in the bilingual group recovered their cognitive abilities completely after a stroke than monolinguals. The bilingual brain is better equipped to cope with the damage.” Thomas Bak.