domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

As Utah’s first dual-immersion students are prepping for college, so is their language program

Artículo de Benjamin Wood publicado el 8 de mayo en la edición digital de "Salt Lake Tribune". (link to the whole article at Salt Lake Tribune)

Read some excerpts from the article:

«Campos said her students need to keep practicing to improve their Spanish fluency. But she added that she was and continues to be impressed with their confidence and mastery in the language.
"They're ready to study any subject in Spanish," she said. "They could travel abroad, work and they won't have any problem."

Beyond Spanish, Utah students in schools around the state are immersed in French, Chinese, Portuguese and German. Roberts said immersion programs are now at 20 percent of elementary schools, and the state continues to launch immersion programs at 20 to 25 new schools each year.[...] While dual immersion exists in some urban school districts and metropolitan areas, Utah is a national leader for its statewide program.»
«It's a feather in the state's cap that generates attention for education managers and policymakers, like in 2013, when Roberts was quoted in Time magazine saying that "monolingualism is the illiteracy of the 21st century."» 
«Utah students are competing for jobs against students in Asia, Europe, Latin America — the world — and guess what? Those kids aren't monolingual," he said. "It's not the future. Most people in the world are multilingual.»
«Roberts said he felt like a used-car salesman in the early days of the program, holding informational meetings around the state asking parents to enroll their children.
"Now I don't even do any more parent PowerPoints," he said. "We just open a [immersion] school and it's full overnight."»

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