miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2014

En marcha la iniciativa para derogar Proposition 227.

Excellent Edsource article, by Lillian Mongeau,.about bilingual education.
These are two excerpts from the article: "The bill would remove barriers to offering instruction in a language other than English. Since it would undo some of the provisions of Prop. 227, it would need to be placed before voters." (link to the article)

"[...] Lara said he agrees that the acquisition of English is critical for all California students. But the world has changed, he said, and a strong command of just one language may no longer be enough. “Nearly every other country in the world has managed to cultivate a multilingual society and reaps the cognitive and economic benefits of doing so,” Lara said. “It’s time for California to catch up with the rest of the world and promote multilingualism.”."

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