lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018

Sierra College Blog Reflexion

 What do you think Sierra College will look like ten years from now and what will be the role of the online program? 

I would predict that more and more students will be taking online courses for all the reasons that we have mentioned on this course. I would say there will be more interactive software used, more online conversations happening at real time at some points during the course. This could limit a little bit the flexibility of the course since some weeks there will be compulsory life collaborative sessions happening at the same time for all the students but it will increase the social and interactive element of the course.
Having said that, those students who can allow (time, distance, transport) to go to the campuses will still choose to  --based on the course and on the schedule-- attend some on-site courses, partially to interact with the other students both in and outside the class.

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