lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018

Artículo muy interesante acerca de los programas bilingües en Alisal Union School District.

El artículo original, escrito por Cristian Ponce, se puede encontrar en

Un fragmento del artículo:

Students at Monte Bella Elementary School now can get a head start by learning two languages at the same time.

The school is the first in the Alisal Union School District to implement a dual immersion program, in which children learn by being fully immersed in classes taught in two languages.

Monte Bella has two classes that are dual immersion, both for kindergarten.

"The kids in our school are learning Spanish and English at the same time but we're employing the 80:20 model, 80 percent Spanish and then 20 percent English," said Monte Bella Principal Roberto Nuñez.

The program was implemented this school year with kindergarten, and Nuñez said parents have the choice to enroll their children in one of three programs at the school. One is a regular all-day English-taught class, the second is a structured English immersion class that is the opposite of the regular dual immersion with 20 percent Spanish taught and the third being the traditional dual immersion, said Nuñez.

“You’re talking to the parents, asking 'What is it that you want for your kids at the end of high school graduation?'” said Nuñez. “Do you want them to be monolingual, bilingual? Do you want them to go to college? They’re not really thinking about the high school but they need to because this decision that they make right then and there will affect that trajectory of that path.”

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